Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 19, reading Geography

Today is Wednesday, October 19th, year 2011.

I am sick for the first time in college; not surprising as I always get sick around this time anyways. Damn cold beach weather and sickly college students.

I'm having difficulty managing my time. It's hard to force myself to do homework, when nothing is due. It's hard to study for a test when you're not quite sure what to study. I need to change my study habits up, soon. A day here in Santa Barbara goes by so fast; it feels like I'm on vacation. Realizing that I'm actually at school will help get things done better. I have a busy schedule this week-- I've just started training for the Leadership Training Course I'm doing with the Adventure Program here. I'm definitely looking forward to the adventure, after putting in hours of training. I wonder how this program will benefit me.

I'm getting it better music-- that's unarguable. With such a diverse crowd around me, I'm introduced to the best of everything, everyone's favorite. The parties and kickbacks here are plentiful, I myself have yet to experience first hand the actual party scene, however.

8 am classes are quite a pain, I never really pay attention in class and it becomes exceedingly more difficult to get things done as the day goes on, because I'm so tired. I should invest in naps, or more naps should I say.

I'm easily not the most efficient person ever. Seems like I've set these goals, yet just stare at them in awe of how spectacular and distant they are. It's like I'm at the goal line for the penalty kick, yet all I can do is stare at the ball. Or maybe I'm just more concerned with what kind of cleats I'm wearing, or whether my jersey is on properly, rather than focus on the goal.

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