Tuesday, July 22, 2014

College Food

As I sat at my desk trying to write my dreaded organic chemistry lab report, the most delicious aroma entered my room.. the smell of bulgogi. I made my way downstairs and there they were. My barred out roommate Ted and a skillet of delicious, sizzling bulgogi on the stove. I helped myself to a plate of white rice, bulgogi, marinated squid, and dried seaweed, courtesy of Ted. I brought it back upstairs and devoured it in under 10 minutes... and while eating it, I truly realized what my favorite food was. I remember in grade school, whenever we filled out questionnaires, I would always write "Fried chicken"... or "Italian food"... or "Japanese food" for my favorite foods. I was either too embarrassed to write Korean food, or I was just sick of eating it every day at home. But being away from home 90% of the time for 3 years in a row really brings you back to your roots. I miss Korean food, I miss my mother's cooking. I'm not a terrible cook, but what I make in the kitchen isn't really ethnic food. It's just groceries from Albertson's and Trader Joes that I whip together in the fastest way possible. It's College food, and it's definitely not my favorite food. 

Melatonin kickin in now... Goodnight.

Brian Chun
July 2014
21 years old

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