Monday, December 19, 2011

The Mixed Tape

What the fuck happened to the town I used to live in... Nothing's the same... the only thing that's still the same is the fact that we sit on our asses doing nothing. Besides that, the people are different, everyone's changed. I'm always in such deep thought, analyzing everything in way too much detail. Why do I care about the different things... the things that no one else cares about. I don't care about the same things anymore, or maybe no one else cares about the same things. I just wanna trip. Just sit somewhere silent and peaceful with the brothers, and trip the fuck out, see the world in a new light, rather than the boring eyes we see the world through every day. Truthfully, I worry about my two best friends. Two guys that I consider as close as brothers. Is it wrong of me to judge like this and worry so much about them, when I'm often involved in the same things they are. Yeah, sure as fuck drugs are fun, I love drugs. Isn't there a definite line between fun and priorities though? Between needy and desperate? Between what the fuck is safe and what the fuck is not safe. Between what's going to affect your future greatly, and kill you? But fuck, maybe it takes a UC education to understand that. Here's to the rest of my break sitting in my room, watching documentaries, and listening to Jack's Mannequin, because "my life is becoming a boring pop song, and everyone is singing along." Cheers, fuckers.

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